There have been 6 lab leaks of the original SARS virus
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I see that you have a handshake. Are you new to what’s going on behind the curtain or have you been awake for a long time and just new here? I only ask this because most of us that are here at this point are of the same stance as myself.
I very much have critical thinking on this. I did question the MSM back in March 20 when they said someone ate a bat???? ? Then when it came out a whistleblower from the lab ended up dead when he came out and said it leaked. Then when the virologist that died who said there is no way this is natural. Natural viruses do not survive in just about every climate environment. It has to be man made.
The Wuhan Lab was testing risky experiments funded by the NIH.
3 researches fell ill in Nov 2019.
Chinese patent for the vaccine before the virus became a pandemic.
Fauci emails pretty much blew the lid off that it leaked and thanked him for not making it a bigger story.
Could it be a play from the Cabal handbook. Sure. Just about anything we are seeing right now could be and I question every single bit of everything.
Honestly in my eyes a lab leak from China and the coverup behind it implicates our own government more then implicating China because they ran with it, funded it, covered it up, didn’t do everything they could to get to the bottom of it and killed millions unnecessarily by hiding the therapeutic we did have that worked.
We have been at war with China and the CCP for god knows how long. The virus is just another level of that war.