MONKEY WERX (YT) monitors worldwide air traffic ~~~ 2 days ago the black hats left Spain toward NE USA. We wondered if the black hats have him. If they do, he's likely dead. opinion
Yes I always watch Monkey Werx and his sitreps. BTW yesterday, one of the presidential fleet 757 90 - 0003 flew into Rome from Paris at mid morning GMT, now I wonder what that was for? It's not for a refuel, that thing can fly the Atlantic no problem, so I wonder why it went in there?
After seeing the US Military GL5's and the like going into Spain last week before it was announced, yes!
MONKEY WERX (YT) monitors worldwide air traffic ~~~ 2 days ago the black hats left Spain toward NE USA. We wondered if the black hats have him. If they do, he's likely dead. opinion
Yes I always watch Monkey Werx and his sitreps. BTW yesterday, one of the presidential fleet 757 90 - 0003 flew into Rome from Paris at mid morning GMT, now I wonder what that was for? It's not for a refuel, that thing can fly the Atlantic no problem, so I wonder why it went in there?