This is for all of the people who claim: "Wait, if Q is real, they are letting all of this happen and people are dying as a result!"
Let's stay you've got the chance to stop a hijacked semi-truck heading toward a nuclear plant and could save millions of lives. And somehow improve the entire World shortly thereafter.
But to do this you need to allow the truck to head on its original path, mowing down thousands of people who would have inevitably passed away anyway.
Do you leap out of the truck in advance to drive ahead and save a few hundred people? Knowing that by allowing it to move forward, you will ultimately destroy millions in the near future?
Q is not some miracle that instantly saves us with no casualties. We are in a WAR.
This is not a game.
People die. People get hurt. It can be difficult. But people are waking up. And this is all that matters at the moment. This is why the censorship is so fierce.
They aren't scared of us communicating with each other. They are terrified of us because we can catalyze their biggest weakness. We are capable of initiating critical thinking skills across the globe. Via Q.
The semi-truck can only be stopped if the people it is mowing down are able to wake up and push back to stop it.
The explanation can be simpler.
We are at war. Has anybody ever heard of a war in which NOBODY dies? There will be casualties. The only questions are, how many, and who will they be? If the DS wins this war, billions will die... so the stakes are very high.
That said, it is a strange, unprecedented war. Our enemies are trying to conquer our countries "without firing a shot" by infiltration and using our own freedoms against us. One of the most important tools of these enemies is the pervasive propaganda and lies combined with censorship of the truth.
Our first job is to learn critical thinking skills which make us immune to the propaganda, and then helping others learn those same skills.
Our second job is to spread the true information that is being censored whenever and wherever possible, in a grassroots fashion that cannot be controlled or suppressed by the DS.
The military is fighting this war, but it is our job to help them by undoing some of the damage caused by all the propaganda and censorship, whenever we can.
We're on the same page!