The American dream in many parts of the country is dead. You have people paying $700-1000 for a single room in most cities in California. Yes, a single room, where you share a kitchen and bathroom with other people. The AVERAGE income is around $60,000, assuming you invested in a trade or went to college and possess the ability to do skilled labor. You are basically giving 25% of your paycheck after taxes to the land lord, just for the privilege of living in a legal dwelling of 4 walls! This is no different than living in a commieblock in the Soviet Union. Only the privileged get their own apartment, and of course they don't own it and never will. Then we have people making slightly above minimum wage paying over half their income toward rent. It's indentured servitude, and the Left has most people brainwashed to believe this is their fault and it's because of overpopulation and global warming! When this is furthest from the truth.
The American dream in many parts of the country is dead. You have people paying $700-1000 for a single room in most cities in California. Yes, a single room, where you share a kitchen and bathroom with other people. The AVERAGE income is around $60,000, assuming you invested in a trade or went to college and possess the ability to do skilled labor. You are basically giving 25% of your paycheck after taxes to the land lord, just for the privilege of living in a legal dwelling of 4 walls! This is no different than living in a commieblock in the Soviet Union. Only the privileged get their own apartment, and of course they don't own it and never will. Then we have people making slightly above minimum wage paying over half their income toward rent. It's indentured servitude, and the Left has most people brainwashed to believe this is their fault and it's because of overpopulation and global warming! When this is furthest from the truth.