You Can Hold Your Ground Against Critical Race Theory - excellent article with practical tips and no sugarcoating
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Some excerpts:
Meanwhile, the open letters began. The letters were always directed to everyone in the organization from the graphic designer to the governing board, always asserted vaguely that the organization was “causing harm,” and always ended with demands. We were alarmed and confused.
But even at the time, it soon became apparent there were no specific actions or incidents that could be deemed harmful. The accusations remained vague and abstract, demanding as means of atonement that the organization examine “systems” in order to protect “vulnerable identities.”
What also became apparent was the accusers didn’t want to resolve any real or imagined harm. They wanted control of the organization. Not understanding board governance, they demanded that the head of the program staff replace the Executive Director as a voting member of the board. They reasoned that because the Executive Director was straight, white, male, and Christian, he was unqualified to lead an organization addressing trauma.
I also learned to fight fire with fire by using their woke moral code against them. When a staff member said I couldn’t speak to a topic because I’m straight, I told her it was wrong to assume about my sexuality just because I’m married to a man. She immediately groveled.
Whenever anyone calls any one a racist I've had some success going on the offensive with "stfu, he/she isn't a racist and you have no hard reason to believe so. What you just pulled is why no one is taking racism seriously anymore."
They genuinely don't seem to know what to do when you're not immediately defensive and cowering against racism accusations. I look forward to seeing how it works on the other -isms
Thank you so much for sharing. Shared on my prayer telegram with this comment: Read this and employ its advice all day and every day. It is so good. We must remember Critical Theory and all the other woke-ist rhetoric is dogma of the new religion, not sincere pleas from thinking people seeking any real resolution. Christians who truly follow Jesus and not false religious dogma are always out to reason, have rational debate, and seek true resolution to real harm. Don't let confusing name calling newspeak catch you less than able to defend the Gospel as the only real answer. "We were dealing with ideological devotion rather than a commitment to seeking truth." -Grace Daniel
No guide is needed to hold your own against this garbage. Anyone who has chosen to support CRT is already lost forever!
Not everyone was born to lead. Some need guidance.