2021 JUNE 14 (Massive Leak) Next Steps – Permanent Lockdown of UK by Neil M Ferguson (Imperial College London Memorandum Screenshot)
They are even talking about releasing news on which variant of Covid they will report after big events of people mingling in the future. Their methods of destroying the society including shortages of essentials and the KALERGI PLAN which eliminates or dilutes the White race so the people leftover will be more compliant and easier to control under Communism.
(Google full of debunking stories which makes this more believable).
Neil Ferguson did the initial modelling and inflated death numbers. We were supposed to have 80k deaths - in reality we had 26 individuals. These leaked docs are true and being implemented in most Commonwealth countries. Fiji, Sydney, Darwin are in lockdown. Our lot are itching to lock us down until we are vaxed. On guard people they are going to push this hard.