posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +44 / -0

I get mixed signals whenever I try to research the situation in Virginia. Sometimes I get people talking about how the people of Northern Virginiastan (Fairfax, Loudon, etc.) are still stupid sheeple more concerned with outdoing there neighbors in regards to having a newer car or nicer house. Other times I find that apparently everyone from Appalachia to to Fairfax is enraged at the state of things, CRT, the trans agenda push, the election being stolen from them for the past couple decades, etc.

Then there's the thing about Virginia delegates touring Arizona and West Virginia offering to allowed most of the counties to secede and join them again, which if I understand correctly, a lot of counties (Loudon and possibly Fairfax included) are actually going to try to force a vote on secession to West Virginia if the government keeps ignoring them and acting like tyrants.

So I'm just curious, what's actually happening there? Seems to me like Virginia is in the same situation as Georgia (massive cheating overriding the voice of the people to make a moderate-dark red state seem blue), just a few steps ahead to the point that the state level government has been taken over.