Make sure it's pure Fenben without additives, this is very important.
On administration, take it with lots of fat.
AND, if you're going to topical route, use it with DMSO -- get the pure Ph. Eur. / pharma grade distilled stuff, not from the hardware store please. DMSO will go through anything, very powerful and will penetrate all cells (even cancer membranes).
I bought some fenbendazole and some ivermectin at Tractor Supply yesterday ?
Never thought to look for fenben there; got my IVM there though. Price went up since!!
They had them on the same shelf with several options
I'll look. Thanks.
Make sure it's pure Fenben without additives, this is very important.
On administration, take it with lots of fat.
AND, if you're going to topical route, use it with DMSO -- get the pure Ph. Eur. / pharma grade distilled stuff, not from the hardware store please. DMSO will go through anything, very powerful and will penetrate all cells (even cancer membranes).
Fenben from safe guard, small dog dewormer, 222 mg. Cheap.