They knew for years about
herbal treatments,
We grew up hearing: the one who cures the common cold will make millions! When they really meant, we control the disease state and the flow of medical information, and we make millions.
I cant tell you how many times there were people in my family who were horribly sick for days on end and the doctor refused to prescribe antibiotics because “it’s a virus”. Upon getting a second opinion and a doctor who would prescribe them, the person would magically get better in a day or two.
There can be secondary infections that pop up, but most secondary infections (throat, sinus etc) should in most people, clear up on its own, due to the immune system.
When you have a bacterial infection or a virus, the best thing to do is eat White Blood Cell inducing foods and let your immune system go to work. Drink lots of warm water to flush out the liver, kidneys and lymph system, as well as provide hydration for your blood cell production.
Over prescribing antibiotics is a nightmare for the immune system, hence why doctors (and vets) are hesitant to prescribe them for no good reason.
It just...genuinely destroys the immune system. It's not a good thing to have if you absolutely don't need it.