Clarence Thomas Calls Out Marijuana Laws
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This prohibition 2.0 needs to end.
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I am not a drinker or drug user, but I agree with you completely...I hope they leave corn bread and ice tea alone....
Clarence is a G, it does conceal traps too, if I'm a user of medical marijuana, I'm not allowed to own guns, which is literally unconstitutional
Sure you are ;-)
I’m not because I want my guns lol
Hear HEAR!
Remember, Marijuana is classified as a schedule I substance. You will be stripped of your gun rights if you obtain a medical card.
At the state level you can own both in Arizona
PA separated the gun and weed databases to avoid that unfortunate fact. PA is corrupt as hell but we have a ton of hunters. First day of hunting season is almost a holiday here.
Catch 22 at it's finest....
The pharmaceutical industrial complex is just a spin off of the military industrial complex...