131 Ben is on a roll.... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by ashlanddog 3 years ago by ashlanddog +131 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Missing the KFC and Bagpipes
Such disdain for this traitor.
Bovine Excrement Durham...
Seems very strange to me that all of the sudden we want to hate on Bill Barr. He's not really a relevant player at the moment.
Trump kept James Comey on.
Trump Hired Jeff Sessions
Trump Hired Rex Tillerson
Trump hired HR McMaster
Trump hired General Mattis
Trump Hired General John Kelly
Trump Hired Chris Wray
Trump Hired James Bolton
Trump Hired Bill Barr
We are now supposed to hate all of these people now, and therefore admitting that they were all blunders, right?
So patriots are in control and have it all, right?
Or do they not? Were these mistakes?
I believe that two or three of the above are actually on our side, and the others were there to be predictable enemies.
Some some be obvious. He definitely knew what he was doing when he hired Bolton as a human prop; a scarecrow for the Iranians.
Those are valid observations and above my paygrade to answer....