Here is a quick theory on why Blackrock has such massive holdings of GME, AMC and other shorted stocks while at the same time buying massive amounts of real estate.
My theory is BlackRock may now be controlled by the white hats. Once the shorts break then some small folks will become rich on their anywhere from 1 -10 shares of GME but Blackrock will take the financial world over with the windfall. It will crush the hedges, the insurance companies and the banks and Blackrock will become the worlds richest company.... except thanks to Trump's EO everything might be seized by the military due to laws possibly broken by the company.
Does this trigger Jubilee? NESARA? A different version of the great reset with the wealth being redistributed? Who knows. I just have this idea floating around and wanted to see what the other pedes thought.
I've been following GME since November. It is 100% part of the Q team operation to liberate and save humanity. GME is going to destroy ALL of the corrupt and criminal wallstreet hedge funds and banks. It will usher in the greatest wealth transfer in the history of mankind when it squeezes to unimaginable highs. The unrigging of the Physical precious metals' prices like Gold and Silver will destroy the FED as the final blow to the corrupt financial enslavement system. "The best is yet to come" Every Patriot should own at least 1-2 shares of GME and some physical Gold/Silver. God bless. WWG1WGA!
There was a proof made of this sometime back. An anon pointed out that the mascot for r/wallstreetbets looked suspiciously like Trump, a connection which Don Jr. later confirmed on Twitter. And then there was some alignment with the date that the subreddit was created and a Trump tweet about how silver is massively undervalued. This was back in 2012, but I do not remember the exact date.
I thought it was supposed to represent Leo Di Caprio from the Wolf Of Wall Street movie? Does look suspiciously like a young Trump though but I think that's just a happy coincidence.
Trump wasn't a Wall Street speculator either so the connection isn't there; he was a Real Estate guy, building real wealth with tangible things of permanence, and is on the opposite side in the Wall Street vs Main Street battle.
Timing. Think Election Fraud revelations, Elite Pedo arrests, and MOASS all triggered at the same time. NCSWIC
It's a very good question. I've done hundreds of hours of research on this topic. Ultimately it just makes the most sense to me and through many hours of prayer I feel in my soul that it is true. All of us who have been following the Great Awakening for some time realize what must be done to save humanity. We must change our government, corrupt businesses, hollywood, our financial system, and so much more. Before 2021 there was no obvious avenue for how Trump, Q team, and the US Military could usher in a new financial system while simultaneously destroying the satanists who control our current markets/FED/financial systems without harming innocent civilians financially. GameStop (GME) is now that avenue if you put in the time to research why that is the case. It's not easy to understand if you're not financially literal and familiar with the stock markets/naked short selling. But I highly recommend you read up on /r/superstonk on reddit to see the truth for yourself. The fact that the company is named "GameStop" is just too poetic and perfect to be used by the Q team to stop the financial rigging/manipulation game by the cabal. There are numerous Q posts with the phrase "Game Over" and it is indeed going to be Game Over financially for the Cabal when GameStop goes to astronomical highs, most likely this year. I'm just a fellow anon/Patriot so I implore you to research for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
I think it would look really bad on the US government and for the US market. Remember the whole world is watching. Foreign investors would probably pull out and never want to invest a single penny in the US market again if the US government intervene. Love to my Euro Apes out there.
I don't think they will buy that. From what I can tell, most of them (US apes and Euro Apes, and All apes around the world) are aware that the US market is rigged against the retail investor ( I can't say for foreign markets).Most of them (Euro Apes) are in GME/AMC for the short squeeze. If the US government steps in and doesn't allow the squeeze to happen, I am sure they will be very upset and know not to invest in the US market ever again. It would also make the US government look bad or even worse since people still remember what happen back in 2008. Instead of letting those who betted wrong take the fall, the US government bailed them out. If the same scenario plays again then I am sure, with more people aware of what's going on this time, lots of people are going to lose faith in the US market and probably never going to invest again knowing the odds are against them.