Not only is it the number one killer it is also directly responsible for the state of our healthcare system. In 2018 alone the cost of healthcare related to obesity was over $150 Billion. It is completely unsustainable and in one way or another it affects everyone.
I got into it with someone who was complaining that they were giving Narcan to heroin addicts to prevent overdose deaths. He felt it was unfair that he had to pay for his insulin while "they were giving narcam to people who choose to kill themselves". My argument was, Whats the difference? One just takes longer but the results are the same. If you choose to shovel garbage into your pie hole year after year you are just as much to blame as the addict.
I do put a lot of the obesity blame on the Gov't and other institutions who have been pushing an upside down food pyramid on us for decades, along with the vilification of dietary fat and the addition of sugar to everything, Tip for healthy shopping is to shop only the perimeter of the store. You will find that a majority of processed/sugar added garbage is located in the middle of the store.
Not only is it the number one killer it is also directly responsible for the state of our healthcare system. In 2018 alone the cost of healthcare related to obesity was over $150 Billion. It is completely unsustainable and in one way or another it affects everyone.
I got into it with someone who was complaining that they were giving Narcan to heroin addicts to prevent overdose deaths. He felt it was unfair that he had to pay for his insulin while "they were giving narcam to people who choose to kill themselves". My argument was, Whats the difference? One just takes longer but the results are the same. If you choose to shovel garbage into your pie hole year after year you are just as much to blame as the addict.
I do put a lot of the obesity blame on the Gov't and other institutions who have been pushing an upside down food pyramid on us for decades, along with the vilification of dietary fat and the addition of sugar to everything, Tip for healthy shopping is to shop only the perimeter of the store. You will find that a majority of processed/sugar added garbage is located in the middle of the store.