And any variations thereof, so not necessarily class action.
Not just the lawyers but maybe judges.
Include politicians
Maybe charge for different crimes or multiple crimes.
This is a brainstorm not a direct question, my hope is to get together SOMETHING that can be taken to these assholes that seem to not suffer consequences and work for the leftists agenda etc
If you only have "no, it cant be done" or something like that (without the legal citations or links to back it up) then move on please as we're already working from that perspective and and want to change it, dont need the comment tbh. Constructive ideas would be good
You'll want to target the DA for dereliction of duty, fraud on the public, that sort of thing. Possible impeachment, depending on local laws. In Los Angeles, for example, the DA is elected (presumably fairly, although the recent one is doubtful) and can be recalled, and there is a petition circulating to do that already. In some jurisdictions, it may be possible for citizens to pursue a criminal case even when the DA drops it, but that's highly unusual, especially since you wouldn't have government assistance (like keeping the accused parties in jail, making sure they show up to their trial, eyc).
If the charges were dropped, wouldn't the business victims filing charges be double jeopardy? Not a law fag here. Now, if those businesses turned around and sued the rioters for damages then great. They could also sue the da for not adhering to the law, would i be correct?
Dropped charges means the person was never charged, so double jeopardy is impossible.