Has anyone noticed that Philadelphia has been in the news quite a bit recently? ?
I believe that Philadelphia, PA is going to be the new capitol of the United States. The corrupt, foreign Washington, DC swamp is being cleaned out. Richard citizen journalist has done a great job covering this, from strange flooding, to closures of federal buildings, DC is a reported ghost town. I also believe that President Trump will relocate the White House to its original location in Philadelphia, PA. Look up new construction in Philadelphia- billions of dollars are being invested in luxury residential building, new hotels and other buildings, specifically around the old city center. In the midst of a Covid caused recession, this amount of new construction is unusual. ?
There are also major road construction projects going on in and around the Philadelphia area now, and not in the surrounding suburbs. Why? Could it be to create better access to the new capitol of the United States? Additionally, the website Phila. gov, the government website for Philadelphia, is currently being redesigned- I wonder why?
Why relocate the White House to Pennsylvania though? Possibly because President Trump wants to take America back to its constitutional roots( see Trumps executive order about re-educating Americans ie 1776) and Philadelphia, PA is, historically, where the original constitution was signed (in constitution hall). ??Philadelphia is also the location of the liberty bell, the symbol of freedom in America, as well as the location of the original White House. They mint coins in Philadelphia as well. ?
Interesting ? What are your thoughts?
Truly @PRAYtriots
Was an example of the never ending construction that will never finish