Just in case some of you don’t understand how viral evolution works, it’s very simple.
Viruses that kill you too quickly are not passed onto other people. Because when you’re dead and buried, the virus can’t spread to anybody else.
Viruses that don’t kill you quickly are passed on to more people because you are walking around, coughing, sneezing and touching things.
So let’s review. Viruses strains that kill you quickly soon end up 6 feet underground. Being 6 feet underground is an evolutionary dead end for a lethal strain of virus.
Viruses that don’t kill you quickly end up being passed to other people. So viruses that are LESS lethal spread more widely and are able to reproduce.
It doesn’t matter whether the virus “wants” to become more deadly or not, the deadliest strains end up being passed on to fewer people. The less lethal strains end up being passed on to more people.
The only type of virus that spread faster despite being lethal are zombie viruses.
And zombie viruses are not real.
Now this begs the question: HOW DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT YOU HAD THE "DELTA VARIANT"? How do you know? What test was used?
This whole 'DELTA VARIANT' thing is complete bullshit. I have yet to find an adequate answer to HOW they are testing the 'contagious' to confirm that they have the 'DELTA VARIANT'. Hell ... the PCR test is unreliable most of the time. The false positive rate is astronomical. The spin cycle to get an accurate result is less than 30. More than that and the probability of a 'FALSE POSITIVE' goes up with each spin. In the US .. the CDC says 35-40 spins. At the height of the 'PANDEMIC' last year the average spin cycle was 43.... FORTY FUCKING THREE!
Exactly! They can't even tell if you actually have CoVid. It is complete fiction to say you have a variant.
Hi, since you had Covid before, did you have prolong stuffy nose during the original COVID? Did you take the flu shots annually prior to 2020? Have you taken your flu shot again in 2021?
The reason I’m asking is I have never taken flu shot before (wasn’t born here) and I believe the first time I “think” I had a flu was in the early 2020 (before COVID made the headline). It was quite more severe than a cold but not too much to have me bedridden, I still could go to work but I was very exhausted and had elevated cold symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, exhaustion, minimal coughing. I recovered a week later which was the longest it took for me to recover from a sickness (hence why I thought I have a flu).
I’ve noticed that people who take annual flu shots seem to have harder time with COVID. May be there is a correlation between the annual flu shots to COVID? I read from another post here a couple of months ago and they found a 70s medical book that states Coronavirus is synonymous to a cold.
Your statement of having a harder time with covid after flu shots is valid.
So what do we learn here? Stop getting flu shots and let your immune system does the work ??
sounds like what is going on through my house right now, but I really don't give a fuck enough to find out. We will live.