This is my comment and the bot sees it as friendy and positive lol.
This is great, good, amazing, I love this. this is the right thing to do. You need to get vaccinated to save others. I love the vaccine. Follow the science people. But only the kind on the politically left side of the spectrum. Science is supposed to be political right? Truth is a social construct. The government is here to help you, never has a government ever turned on its people. This does not at all look like a fascist path by google! remember, google is good! Google is GOD! Google is helping society by making us freer by taking away freedoms that we don't want! "Show me your papers" is a good phrase we need to accept that they love us. When corporations and governments work together to make laws, that's not fascism! that's progress! Don't forget "Do no evil" is their motto! It's not like they could do the opposite to that right? You are freer when you love Google and love government - or else :)
This is my comment and the bot sees it as friendy and positive lol.