Glover was interesting as Andy Warhol in The Doors, about which Kyle MacLachlan (Twin Peaks connection) as Ray Manzarek said “Let’s get out of here. These people are vampires.” (These people being Warhol’s “Factory” people, pornographers, and Velvet Underground). The Doors was directed by Oliver Stone who also directed JFK. Oliver’s son Sean had a small role as boyhood Jim Morrison witnessing “Indians scattered on dawn’s highway bleeding, ghosts crowd the young child’s fragile eggshell mind.” Sean Stone went on to be a supposed whistleblower of Hollywood debauchery and secret societies. He’s Muslim now?
I can't believe I posted this 8 days ago - time flies. I'm just getting back to checking the replies, but it's been worth it. Thanks all. More Hollywood threads from the perspective of cinephiles, please. Noticed the Twin Peaks - thank you for that specifically. ;)
Glover was interesting as Andy Warhol in The Doors, about which Kyle MacLachlan (Twin Peaks connection) as Ray Manzarek said “Let’s get out of here. These people are vampires.” (These people being Warhol’s “Factory” people, pornographers, and Velvet Underground). The Doors was directed by Oliver Stone who also directed JFK. Oliver’s son Sean had a small role as boyhood Jim Morrison witnessing “Indians scattered on dawn’s highway bleeding, ghosts crowd the young child’s fragile eggshell mind.” Sean Stone went on to be a supposed whistleblower of Hollywood debauchery and secret societies. He’s Muslim now?
I can't believe I posted this 8 days ago - time flies. I'm just getting back to checking the replies, but it's been worth it. Thanks all. More Hollywood threads from the perspective of cinephiles, please. Noticed the Twin Peaks - thank you for that specifically. ;)