No one association as vast as the NSA is 100% devoted to any one cause.
It'd have to be a small contingent among the whole wide ranging association.
I don't believe Tucker is lying or this is a psyop, just as I don't believe the military are the "white hats going to save America". Perhaps there is a fraction. There is no "these guys are white hats", in any association imo.
If we had ALL these white hats, patriots in control and every thing was already won and etc, it wouldn't be such a struggle. The sheer number of white hats that people have declared would outnumber the belligerents 10 fold by now.
I think it's a very difficult situation and people are doing the best they can, but decreeing everyone and sundry as a white hat/patriot is just not statistically possible.
No one association as vast as the NSA is 100% devoted to any one cause. It'd have to be a small contingent among the whole wide ranging association.
I don't believe Tucker is lying or this is a psyop, just as I don't believe the military are the "white hats going to save America". Perhaps there is a fraction. There is no "these guys are white hats", in any association imo.
If we had ALL these white hats, patriots in control and every thing was already won and etc, it wouldn't be such a struggle. The sheer number of white hats that people have declared would outnumber the belligerents 10 fold by now.
I think it's a very difficult situation and people are doing the best they can, but decreeing everyone and sundry as a white hat/patriot is just not statistically possible.