We should be reluctant to jump to conclusions without evidence. I would say however that there are certain rules of human nature that follow. What is the end goal? Why is this person speaking out? What do they have to gain? If theres a huge multi million dollar lawsuit against pence then maybe its for that. If its just to have the story told and the truth out thats a lot more compelling. If this man has nothing to gain then why put a target on his back for nothing? I would say the evil we have seen evidence of is not too far from this line of occurence. Doesnt prove this but it is believable that this could be true. Lets keep digging and find the truth
Pence committed TREASON and you don't want to jump to conclusions about whether or not he is a rapist.
There is this thing called Pizzagate, you might want look into.
We should be reluctant to jump to conclusions without evidence. I would say however that there are certain rules of human nature that follow. What is the end goal? Why is this person speaking out? What do they have to gain? If theres a huge multi million dollar lawsuit against pence then maybe its for that. If its just to have the story told and the truth out thats a lot more compelling. If this man has nothing to gain then why put a target on his back for nothing? I would say the evil we have seen evidence of is not too far from this line of occurence. Doesnt prove this but it is believable that this could be true. Lets keep digging and find the truth
ok, goofball. lol