I know this isn’t a self help group and what not, but I’m trying to eat better, make a better living, change and create better habits, be motivated to work out and stay disciplined to tasks and a schedule.
Im just an average middle class joe, not in a bad spot and my debt is revolving (paid off every month). But I want to reach certain goals for years but can’t seem to find the motivation to reach those goals.
Biggest hurdle is WANTING to go to the gym in the morning. Need to prime my mindset somehow but default mindset is that gym is burden rather than gym is pleasure.
Lol! I love myself quite a bit. Don’t care too much to “lose weight” because I’m not obese, rather I feel that if I do lose the weight, I’ll have more energy to explore other activities and fully live my life rather than just coasting by
Did you post this just to share your excuses with people that respond to you?
If you're not trying to become the absolute best version possible of yourself, you are doing it wrong, no matter how hard you try to explain away why you're not man enough to step in to a gym and move heavy things.
Man up or don't. But save the excuses. Your desire to go to the gym has to do with you not loving who you are. Deal with that and work on it.
I go to the gym. It’s inconsistent. People thrive for those endorphins which keeps them going. Im seeking that as well but have a hard time “convincing” myself that I need to go. Advice I can find on search engines, but I’d like to hear from the community I frequently interact with, who I align with, how they manage with these activities and routines
Then love yourself and be consistent. It's simple. You have to stop making excuses first. That's between you and your excuses.
Do you enjoy the gym when you do go? If not, maybe it's be easier to get excited about exercise outside... Trail running of some such... Just a thought.