This Patriot will NOT be bowing down to tyranny. I’m suing my former employer for unlawful termination, after they fired me for not getting vaxxed. This is my battle, this is my Alamo and these libtard cucks WILL PAY!
My legal team has strongly advised that I remove this post.
My legal team has strongly advised that I remove this comment.
It is a bad idea for you to post any of this here. The things that you say can be used by the opposition to discredit you. For instance, since you keep calling your company ‘libtard cucks,’ they could easily claim that you were fired because of your hostile attitude, and not because of the vax. Don’t expose any weaknesses.
My legal team has strongly advised that I remove this comment.
While you can always refuse to confirm this is your account, it would be easier to simply delete it for now. The opposition lawyers are going to interview your closely worked co-workers and if there is any indication that you MIGHT be a "Qanon" they will be here archiving this post faster than you can realize it's too late.
Them knowing he's a Q supporter does not magically tell them he has an account on here nor which account it is.
DMing people your Bitcoin address is super sketch, and no one on this board should contribute. If you're worried about being doxxed then you at least need to verify your identity and case with the mods, and the mods need to make a board-wide statement that you are authenticated. Otherwise and until then people need to be wary of this site being used by scammers, LARPers, glowies, and overall bad people.
Bitcoin is not necessarily anonymous. It can be tracked back to you if you are not careful.
Don't worry too much about that. Some folks act like if you fart the wrong way in the wrong place you can be open yourself to legal suit that can cost you millions and years in jail.
Just delete this post in a week or so. This isn't reddit or Facebook. It's a tiny site that most liberal never heard of.