Holy cow. My mind is blown. Everything from the title, to the director dying 5 days after submitting the final cut, to the location chosen to film the cult party. These links are a long read but a great explanation of the movie.
So many unbelievable things that I've come across in this group are confirmed by this movie. I saw someone mention it in a comment months ago and glad I finally came around to watching it. It was very strange in the beginning, but you have to remember you're not watching a regular movie, you're watching someone trying to show you what's going on without explicitly saying it. After reading the above articles I am just blown away.
Yes, if you didn't know, they feed off of negative energy. They believe under their "religion" they have to tell us what they are doing and if we don't object then they consider that we have accepted what they do. Even though they "tell" us with their movies which isn't honest about telling us anything, they consider it to informing us.