This is why we need all eyes on the audit. X22 report reveals all the Misinformation of Arizona's audit @ 20:00 +
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I havent underestimated anything, I said **I **skip him often because its so repetitive....
You’re right mate......
I would never refer to Dave as an avid Q follower let alone a Q decoder, if there ever was such a thing.!
Daves real strength right from the start was the financial side of Our Great Awakening......
If anyone ever wanted Q updates or ‘decodes’ Dave was never the guy to go to... indeed most of Daves non financial videos are more emotive than informative and are not substantive by any respect.... like you I got tired of the repetitiveness, not because it was not there before but because it became much worse when his ‘prediction’ or reasoning fell apart, like so many I hasten to add..!
It has happened and will keep happening to all of us and guys like Dave, and like his channel have really found themselves aimlessly treading water as the datefagging fails one after another....!
The QRB isn’t really Daves thing and never was.... so like so many out there he’s struggling for good content....