"McConnell and the Rhinos won't lift a finger to counter the Dems 'Voting Rights Attacked' narrative" -- for several reasons:
When it comes to "election security", sometimes your best offense is doing what the Dems do, but DOING IT BETTER. How do you think Trump won the first time? It wasn't by "voter suppression" (all that does is limit the amount of ake names that can be acribed to votes AFTER THE FACT)-- it was by countering the vote INFLATION of the Democrats with some of their own to restore the proper balance. Just like NYC added 130,000 "test ballots" to the Democratic Mayoral Primary, we need to add at least that many FAKE VOTES to counter THEIR FAKE VOTES (since with electronic balloting and electronic signatures, there is no realway to challenge the 'authenticity' of a given vote AFTER THE FACT). This is why the pool of FAKE VOTERS has to be DRAINED (like the rest of THE SWAMP).... And you do that by doing what the Democrats call "voter suppression", but it is really FAKE VOTER ELIMINATION....
Even if there was real "voter suppression" out there, most of it would STILL be justified because the requirements for voting should IMPLY having some degree of political intelligence above being in a coma.... People SHOULD have an idea of WTF they are voting for (nationally, state wide and locally) -- and if necessary, taxes may have to go up to (indirectly) pay for education and testing about the election and governmental processt (since a dedicated "poll tax" to pay for LEGITIMATE TEST EXPENSES was unfortunately delcared "unconstitutional" by the feckless "Supreme Court" a while back). If you as a would be voter have no clue what your mayor -- or city council -- or state governor / legislative branch* -- or even the three branches of the Federal Government (not counting the unconstitutional American Administrative DEEP STATE) are supposed to do, then you SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE for those people who are going to be holding those offices-- period. And since there are ZERO Federally kept voting records (an error that should be fixed by making the already existing FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION in charge of all elections for the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal government, while a given STATE should run its own SEPARATE elections for STATEWIDE OFFICES and localities should run SEPARATE ELECTIONS for local officials, which need not be on the Federal "Election Day"), there is not much that Congress can do -- except truly separating ELECTION POWER across their proper jurisdictions as I have proposed....
*Especially as was done in NY regarding this idiotic "ranked choice voting" VOTE FIXING SCHEME that advocates enticed the people of NY City (and State?) to approve while conveniently neglecting to EXPLAIN IT TO ANY ONE [even to themselves it seems; why else add 130,000 "test votes" to an already mixed up vote mix?]. As a result, this process should be THROWN OUT by acourt with any COMMON SENSE as being truly DISCRIMINATORY against the DUMB people who the Dems claim to be "helping".) Of course, Democrats (or should I say DUM-OCRATS) can't stand the truth being thrown into their faces; they'd rather keep the masses VIRTUALLY BRAIN DEAD and have them just go down their line instead of what would be better for them -- to actually THINK before you even consider voting for a Democrat in today's America....
McConnell and the Rhinos won't lift a finger to counter the Dems 'Voting Rights Attacked' narrative with a simple:
It's Red State Gov's and Legislatures doing the heavy lifting.
"McConnell and the Rhinos won't lift a finger to counter the Dems 'Voting Rights Attacked' narrative" -- for several reasons:
When it comes to "election security", sometimes your best offense is doing what the Dems do, but DOING IT BETTER. How do you think Trump won the first time? It wasn't by "voter suppression" (all that does is limit the amount of ake names that can be acribed to votes AFTER THE FACT)-- it was by countering the vote INFLATION of the Democrats with some of their own to restore the proper balance. Just like NYC added 130,000 "test ballots" to the Democratic Mayoral Primary, we need to add at least that many FAKE VOTES to counter THEIR FAKE VOTES (since with electronic balloting and electronic signatures, there is no realway to challenge the 'authenticity' of a given vote AFTER THE FACT). This is why the pool of FAKE VOTERS has to be DRAINED (like the rest of THE SWAMP).... And you do that by doing what the Democrats call "voter suppression", but it is really FAKE VOTER ELIMINATION....
Even if there was real "voter suppression" out there, most of it would STILL be justified because the requirements for voting should IMPLY having some degree of political intelligence above being in a coma.... People SHOULD have an idea of WTF they are voting for (nationally, state wide and locally) -- and if necessary, taxes may have to go up to (indirectly) pay for education and testing about the election and governmental processt (since a dedicated "poll tax" to pay for LEGITIMATE TEST EXPENSES was unfortunately delcared "unconstitutional" by the feckless "Supreme Court" a while back). If you as a would be voter have no clue what your mayor -- or city council -- or state governor / legislative branch* -- or even the three branches of the Federal Government (not counting the unconstitutional American Administrative DEEP STATE) are supposed to do, then you SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE for those people who are going to be holding those offices-- period. And since there are ZERO Federally kept voting records (an error that should be fixed by making the already existing FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION in charge of all elections for the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal government, while a given STATE should run its own SEPARATE elections for STATEWIDE OFFICES and localities should run SEPARATE ELECTIONS for local officials, which need not be on the Federal "Election Day"), there is not much that Congress can do -- except truly separating ELECTION POWER across their proper jurisdictions as I have proposed....
*Especially as was done in NY regarding this idiotic "ranked choice voting" VOTE FIXING SCHEME that advocates enticed the people of NY City (and State?) to approve while conveniently neglecting to EXPLAIN IT TO ANY ONE [even to themselves it seems; why else add 130,000 "test votes" to an already mixed up vote mix?]. As a result, this process should be THROWN OUT by acourt with any COMMON SENSE as being truly DISCRIMINATORY against the DUMB people who the Dems claim to be "helping".) Of course, Democrats (or should I say DUM-OCRATS) can't stand the truth being thrown into their faces; they'd rather keep the masses VIRTUALLY BRAIN DEAD and have them just go down their line instead of what would be better for them -- to actually THINK before you even consider voting for a Democrat in today's America....