As a Trump Patriot , I would rather have my sign vandalized or poop in my yard than the Biden supporters treatment of showing up in my front yard with guns yelling and screaming crazy shit, attacking me physically on street, threatening me and my family with death. Attempting to shoot me or run me over at a peaceful protest.
The silent majority is easily 80% Trump Patriots. We are not silent in our communities, we just know Biden supporters are psychopaths and we don't need them getting shot in our front yards and homes so we hang our flag but leave the signs for our community gatherings.
As a Trump Patriot , I would rather have my sign vandalized or poop in my yard than the Biden supporters treatment of showing up in my front yard with guns yelling and screaming crazy shit, attacking me physically on street, threatening me and my family with death. Attempting to shoot me or run me over at a peaceful protest. The silent majority is easily 80% Trump Patriots. We are not silent in our communities, we just know Biden supporters are psychopaths and we don't need them getting shot in our front yards and homes so we hang our flag but leave the signs for our community gatherings.