This doesn't surprise me too much. Antibodies help the body clear pathogens faster, and is a part of adaptive / humoral immunity. But you still have a wide range of defenses against pathogens even without them; innate immunity is extremely powerful, and many types of organisms rely solely on innate immunity for protection and survival.
You can also have cytotoxic T-cells, NK cells and the like, which don't need any sort of antibody to do their thing, and yet can help respond to infections in a targeted manner.
There is a whole lot more for physicians and physician-scientists to learn; that's what makes medicine great. But to call it a system based on illusions is a bit much.
Hell, immunology is one of the youngest fields of medicine, extant.
Illusions= Germ theory. Pharmaceuticals treating symptoms without treating the cause. Med schools financed by big pharma. Doctors with zero training in nutritional building blocks. Acceptance of medical error being the third leading cause of death (not even counting pharmaceutical caused suicide). Vaccine efficacy. Acceptance of the U.S. having high infant and maternal mortality.
This doesn't surprise me too much. Antibodies help the body clear pathogens faster, and is a part of adaptive / humoral immunity. But you still have a wide range of defenses against pathogens even without them; innate immunity is extremely powerful, and many types of organisms rely solely on innate immunity for protection and survival.
You can also have cytotoxic T-cells, NK cells and the like, which don't need any sort of antibody to do their thing, and yet can help respond to infections in a targeted manner.
There is a whole lot more for physicians and physician-scientists to learn; that's what makes medicine great. But to call it a system based on illusions is a bit much.
Hell, immunology is one of the youngest fields of medicine, extant.
Illusions= Germ theory. Pharmaceuticals treating symptoms without treating the cause. Med schools financed by big pharma. Doctors with zero training in nutritional building blocks. Acceptance of medical error being the third leading cause of death (not even counting pharmaceutical caused suicide). Vaccine efficacy. Acceptance of the U.S. having high infant and maternal mortality.