That's horrible. I still can't believe how blind I was for most of my life until I started getting into the GAW community. I'm a born and raised Christian, and my family has always been aware of the existence of satanists. But for some reason, I just assumed those who practiced were on the fringes of society, and/or did their rituals mostly on selected dates throughout the year. It makes more sense that the "god of this world" would be elevating those who serve him to positions of power and influence. It's still mind blowing to think of these things happening in places like Alaska or Texas, to give two examples.
Or right down the street from your home, as we discovered a few years back, right in the middle of totally normal cookie-cutter North Florida suburb.
Many retirees, Black, Hispanic, Cuban, Mexican, Caucasian. Normal families raising children and working hard to provide a decent life for them.
Was more like being dropped in to a tub of ice water than many of the awakening experiences I have read about.
I believe the truth of the human trafficking, child abduction-abuse-trafficing etc. etc.
is worse than I as a father, grandfather, great grandfather have ever been able to comprehend.
That's horrible. I still can't believe how blind I was for most of my life until I started getting into the GAW community. I'm a born and raised Christian, and my family has always been aware of the existence of satanists. But for some reason, I just assumed those who practiced were on the fringes of society, and/or did their rituals mostly on selected dates throughout the year. It makes more sense that the "god of this world" would be elevating those who serve him to positions of power and influence. It's still mind blowing to think of these things happening in places like Alaska or Texas, to give two examples.
Or right down the street from your home, as we discovered a few years back, right in the middle of totally normal cookie-cutter North Florida suburb.
Many retirees, Black, Hispanic, Cuban, Mexican, Caucasian. Normal families raising children and working hard to provide a decent life for them.
Was more like being dropped in to a tub of ice water than many of the awakening experiences I have read about.
I believe the truth of the human trafficking, child abduction-abuse-trafficing etc. etc. is worse than I as a father, grandfather, great grandfather have ever been able to comprehend.
Evil, is the only word I can think of.