Just a theory here...
How come the Dem controlled government hasn't rushed to try them, convict them, make an example of them, and throw away the key?
If Trump bringing more attention to Ashlii Babbit and claiming to have "talked to her family" could be theorized as a ploy to reveal she was never shot in the first place, then why bring up the locked up "protesters" in the next breath?
Could it be the locked up "protestors" are actually the bad actors and Lefty agitators? Could that explain why they are just rotting in a cell and why no one (from either side of the aisle, apparently) is pushing to get them to trial and in front of the public eye?*
Looking for any input. What do you think?
the shooting of ashli was a fake. shes an fbi actor. just like the shaman he is a spook too. this was all a big setup just watch the video about it clearly staged and orchestrated. maybe some patriots got caught up but mostly was 'them' doing it. thats why theyre still in 'solitary' so that the genpop prison doesnt realize that there are no prisoners being held. theyre back to work at quantico planning the next false flag