Several leftist cities enacted "emergency noise pollution bans" so as to prevent large patriotic fireworks displays. LA is the latest, with ban enacted two days ago.
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Lol it didn't work last year and it won't work this year.
I remember last year it just made me people set off more fireworks.
How did that work out last year.
Umm nobody gives a fuck, as is evident by the sky in LA tonight.
I guess they don't want to scare all the hit-n-run shoplifters getting there $900 of stolen goods from Walgreens and Targets. Noise bad, shoplifters good.
Well, it's good to know discharge of illegally obtained firearms is still allowed. It's not like those make a loud noise, am I right?
Launch those mother fuckers anyway.
Bottom line is this when you have uncivalized scum with no respect for their neighborhood this is what you get..... years ago ppl shot fireworks on the 4th only and from dark till about 12a, now it’s all the time everyday it’s nice out day time nighttime 3 am they don’t give a shit and they leave the garbage in the streets ..... this is why we need a wall
They tried that in 2020 it didn't work out so well for them.
The second one is from the air.
Good luck with that
I don’t hope that your dogs shit all over your house ??
They don't shit all over the house, even when terrified. They shake and drool. Very sad to see. I still hope all you hours long exploders lose fingers.
We aint kids playing with firecrackers. Big boy fireworks like all Patriots use on the 4th are extremely safe, and amazing, there will be no lost fingers and I hope your neighbors have a followup celebration tonight.
Theres plenty of things you could do to help your dogs, If i had a dog that got scared in a place where hours of fireworks went off, id buy some wood and noise insallation foam and make him a little quiet dog house, its not hard to create solutions instead of trying to take away others fun.
so, did you lose any fingers? "we aint kids" LOL..... You are going to soundproof a doghouse and lock him in it for 6 hours? You sound like one of those jackasses that gets a dog and ties him to a tree for 12 years. Good job. We can all only hope we don't come back as one of your dogs in the next life. By the sounds of it you will not come back as one of mine.
Naw I provided a bunch of people with an awesome fireworks show and they were all very appreciative and happy.
If the dogs really really hate the loud noises im sure theyd be glad to sit in a soundproof box... You ever seen a dog house? They arent mansions, and they generally dont have locking doors you dumbass. A lot dogs actually instinctually like confined spaces like that from thousands of years of living in dens as wolves and will sit in small houses to feel comfortable. If you were able to make a decently good soundproof house, and the dogs really hate the fireworks, then why would you need to force the dog inside?
Are you stupid? An owner who leaves their dog on a leash for 12 years is the exact OPPPOSITE, of someone whos willing to go out and build a house to make them feel more comfortable during a foreworks show? A lazy dog owner would do nothing to help, and then bitch and complain online, kinda like you just did.
Pretty silly to believe a man would be reincarnated as a dog...
I guess I just don't understand why any adult human being finds fireworks and especially bottle rockets/firecrackers amusing. They are great as a kid. Once or twice and then you grow up. Simple minds is really my only answer. Its the stereotype, which you do seem to fit. The beer drinking (aint using) 40 year old who likes to blow things up and keep everyone around him awake until 3 in the morning because fireworks equal freedom. Yawl. I would rather live next to someone using a proper gun range. At least those serve a purpose. Edit just to add, anyone that locks a terrified dog in a sound proof box is an asshole, not a problem solver. I really hope you own no animals, for their sake.
I am a 24 year old Canadian, and I dont even drink beer. My good friend Gary is a 70 year old retired corporate man, he has an education, worked a good job, owns a home, has a good family and he continues to educate himself and learn. He has all the latest tech, always looking for new gadjets ti learn abous and he owns a lot of expensive toys, he is one of the smartest men I have ever met, and he likes foreworks more than anyone. Just because something is fin to kids doesnt mean you need to grow out of it.
Why do you feel the need to judge other based on what they enjoy? I can understand that you dont enjoy fireworks and it upsets your dogs but there are solutions to your problem. Put some effort in and figure it out like a man. Fireworks are an American tradition, they have been used to celebrate every 4th of July since 1777 and i think its amazing that Americans have kept that tradition and that there are men who live their country so much. So millions of Americans who enjoy fireworks every year just have simple minds? You actually think youre so superior and everyone around you is dumb? Its one or two days a year that people use fireworks, if you cant figure out a way to deal with that youre just a baby.
You're clearly just being willfully ignorant to try and force a point. I have made it explicitly clear that I would build a soundproof box as a place for my dog to chill out, you know like hundreds of thousands of people own small dog houses that dogs willingly go and sleep in? Like are you actually this stupid?