Some of you may remember my previous post about the Arizona audit and people I know working it. One of them was trying to draw my attention to something and I could use a little help figuring it out.......
So I got a few minutes to talk with one of the people that were working the Arizona audit this evening and he recommended that I look at the site. So I pulled it up and it seems that only the first camera is operational and all the Alex have been moved into a new building behind fences with a police officer patrolling the warehouse.
When I asked him what the particular significance of this was he suggested that the ballots were supposed to be returned already. He was hinting that this is really significant but wouldn't go all the way and tell me exactly why or how.
Saw this update today.
Nice. It still doesn't cover necessarily what the implication was that the person I talked to was crying to convey necessarily.
There may be more to it.
Maybe what they meant was that earlier on it was said by someone, can't recall who, that if everything is correct with the audit then they would be turning things over relatively quickly. But if there was discrepancies then there would be further audit measures to be done. I can't remember exactly what the words were though. So it seems to me there is left wing fuckery afoot, as we known all along.
Sound about right. Double check triple check and dot the i's and cross the t's.
Anything leftover afterwards is bogus votes.