That's horseshit and you know it. That's like the millions of hood rats that refuse to leave the inner cities and the concrete jungle. My Grandparents went to where the work was. Took them from Oklahoma to San Francisco to work in the ship yards during WWII. That's the problem these days...the propaganda and non stop bullshit was designed to make you feel helpless and powerless...I see it has worked. There's still time my fren. Ever thought about ranch/farm work?
That's horseshit and you know it. That's like the millions of hood rats that refuse to leave the inner cities and the concrete jungle. My Grandparents went to where the work was. Took them from Oklahoma to San Francisco to work in the ship yards during WWII. That's the problem these days...the propaganda and non stop bullshit was designed to make you feel helpless and powerless...I see it has worked. There's still time my fren. Ever thought about ranch/farm work?