This is the part that bothers me SO MUCH about these people's utter stupidity:
They have said from day ONE ; even if you get fully vaxxed, you're not immune. You can still get it. You can still pass it if you get it.
Like, what the actual fuck is going on??
And his daughter has had an allergic reaction to something, obvious. Doesn't confirm a covid test, just says "four for four with coivd". That doesn't mean THIS time, could very easily be using the past for present purpose. He's lying about the rest of them.
This is the part that bothers me SO MUCH about these people's utter stupidity:
They have said from day ONE ; even if you get fully vaxxed, you're not immune. You can still get it. You can still pass it if you get it.
Like, what the actual fuck is going on??
And his daughter has had an allergic reaction to something, obvious. Doesn't confirm a covid test, just says "four for four with coivd". That doesn't mean THIS time, could very easily be using the past for present purpose. He's lying about the rest of them.