Every day that I possibly can I get out in the sun sometime after noon. 3 things. Bare feet in the grass/dirt for grounding or earthing. Skin exposed to absorb vitamin D. Face towards the sky with eyes open to get light into my eyeballs. Not looking directly at the sun but near it at the brightness. It resets your inner clock, the circadian rhythm. Helps me sleep wonderfully after years and years of insomnia.
Every day that I possibly can I get out in the sun sometime after noon. 3 things. Bare feet in the grass/dirt for grounding or earthing. Skin exposed to absorb vitamin D. Face towards the sky with eyes open to get light into my eyeballs. Not looking directly at the sun but near it at the brightness. It resets your inner clock, the circadian rhythm. Helps me sleep wonderfully after years and years of insomnia.