So Tom Hanks has gone dark? Hasn't posted in a year I believe ; he's a regular poster. Some of his lasts posts are 'selfies' of him and the wife in 'quarantine'. Problem is, there's a bar code on the door behind them. Hotels don't have bar code on the inside doors of the rooms.
Since his disappearance, there's a picture of Ellen wearing a sweater that has "run forest" on it. David Spade has an image of him at a desk, there's a note on the desk, facing the camera, that says "talk to us Tom" or something of that nature. And, another celeb has a picture of Woody ( toy story ) face down on the floor - symbolizing death.
Right before covid started ( said this in another thread but it's info ), I received an interesting piece of information about Tom Hanks, Ellen, and Oprah specifically citing these would be the first 3 to go down in pertains to the pedo ring.
I wasn't too sure about it. Literally 2 weeks later, on Yahoo News even, there was an article about Oprah making a statement she wasn't involved in child trafficking.
To be fair, its better to have too much than too little, then people can choose if they want to read it all. I like to be fully informed as much as possible. :)
Oh thats funny because that was the exact article I have open on my laptop for a few days ago. I got distracted when I saw the video of Trump and made a post about it but left it open to look at.
So Tom Hanks has gone dark? Hasn't posted in a year I believe ; he's a regular poster. Some of his lasts posts are 'selfies' of him and the wife in 'quarantine'. Problem is, there's a bar code on the door behind them. Hotels don't have bar code on the inside doors of the rooms.
Since his disappearance, there's a picture of Ellen wearing a sweater that has "run forest" on it. David Spade has an image of him at a desk, there's a note on the desk, facing the camera, that says "talk to us Tom" or something of that nature. And, another celeb has a picture of Woody ( toy story ) face down on the floor - symbolizing death.
Right before covid started ( said this in another thread but it's info ), I received an interesting piece of information about Tom Hanks, Ellen, and Oprah specifically citing these would be the first 3 to go down in pertains to the pedo ring.
I wasn't too sure about it. Literally 2 weeks later, on Yahoo News even, there was an article about Oprah making a statement she wasn't involved in child trafficking.
Here is the thread you should read.
anytime. I worry I go off too much sometimes, if we're being honest lol
To be fair, its better to have too much than too little, then people can choose if they want to read it all. I like to be fully informed as much as possible. :)
thank you I will take a look, I have been following all that Tom Hanks and Ellen. 100% codes being thrown out there.
Oh thats funny because that was the exact article I have open on my laptop for a few days ago. I got distracted when I saw the video of Trump and made a post about it but left it open to look at.