As a white, heterosexual, male in America I deserve to be the absolute last in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. I carry a heavy heart to see so many liberal white privileged Americans hoard all of the vaccinations for themselves. I pledge to be the last in line. Until everyone within the inner cities reach 100% vaccination will I be so selfish as to think of myself. Until those places most oppressed, most disadvantaged like Africa, India and China reach 100% vaccinated will I think of myself.
I am a white American male and I have finally found my place, last in line.
Please have a heart and donate your vaccination to the LGBTQIA2S+ and Black Lives Matter community.
As a white, heterosexual, male in America I deserve to be the absolute last in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. I carry a heavy heart to see so many liberal white privileged Americans hoard all of the vaccinations for themselves. I pledge to be the last in line. Until everyone within the inner cities reach 100% vaccination will I be so selfish as to think of myself. Until those places most oppressed, most disadvantaged like Africa, India and China reach 100% vaccinated will I think of myself.
I am a white American male and I have finally found my place, last in line.
Please have a heart and donate your vaccination to the LGBTQIA2S+ and Black Lives Matter community.