I tried to convince my sister not to do it, and not to let her husband do it. But despite agreeing that a wait and see attitude was appropriate, she caved to peer pressure and took the jab anyway.
Her husband just got back from the doctor expecting his usual clean bill of health. He was devastated to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and placed on 3 different medications that the doctor warned may be required for the rest of his life. She was not taking it well. I spoke with my mother (retired) who was a nurse for 45 years. I asked her to convince them to report this incident to VAERS.
She is a good person who believes everyone in the medical profession to be caring and have only the patients best interests at heart. I am viewed as the crazy black sheep who hoards tinfoil. Even with the evidence right in front of them, none of them will consider the possibility that this is self inflicted harm.
I am certain the vast majority of reactions to this vax are unreported. The real number is going to be at least an order of magnitude higher than what is in that database. The only way people are going to wake up is by actually making the arrests and scaring the news reporters into acting responsibly. What possible value is there in continuing this charade? Everyday they deceive one more person is another day that more needlessly die or develop life complicating illness.
I am sorry Q. This movie sucks and I want my money back. You are a horrible director.
The globalists want to off billions, though. And in view of the resistance we've all seen, it will take millions suffering to either get with the truth or die.