When the local levels are retaken, the committeeman process must go back to the people--out of the parties' hands. Committeemen can recall and/or indict--immediate consequences. We also must take back OUR courts and restore OUR common law, along with OUR common law grand and petit juries AND dump the unconstitutional sheriffs. The Committeeman carefully vets ANY potential candidates for constitutionality, no criminality, etc--definitely not being done at present and for many years. Whatever county the governor, senators or reps come from are overseen by the Committeeman (men) of that county--total oversight and control.
When the local levels are retaken, the committeeman process must go back to the people--out of the parties' hands. Committeemen can recall and/or indict--immediate consequences. We also must take back OUR courts and restore OUR common law, along with OUR common law grand and petit juries AND dump the unconstitutional sheriffs. The Committeeman carefully vets ANY potential candidates for constitutionality, no criminality, etc--definitely not being done at present and for many years. Whatever county the governor, senators or reps come from are overseen by the Committeeman (men) of that county--total oversight and control.