What with the intense rejection of CRT by the public, the vaccine redpills, and the ever growing risk of audits spreading nationally faster than the common cold, the left wing is having a really bad month, and we are only 8 days in. Let's face it, the left wing of politics cannot survive as is, and glory be to God for that. I give it until the end of the year to survive in the USA, and that is being generous.
Now I know it has been fun to point and laugh at such people in the past, and I'll admit I've enjoyed it immensely. But it is time to start thinking about reintegration of such lost souls back into the sane society we want to see. Remember, many are citizens of the USA, it is just that these people have been brainwashed and lied to for decades about absolutely everything. Most of them have been taught what to think and not how to think for themselves.
Some will be lost to us forever, be it due to vacs reactions or due to their own attempts of earning darwin awards by openly revolting while being revolting. This is but a small sample of the left wing, and we should not let it define them, lest we become the monsters we hate.
So let us all take a moment to understand what it means be better than our enemies today and turn many into allies once more.
- Focus on the relevant examples of God and the bible, such as the prodigal son, "turn the other cheek", "let he who has no sin cast the first stone", and the good samaritan.
- Remember to err is human, and to forgive is divine.
- Be prepared to teach people how to think for themselves instead of relying on others to do their thinking for them.
- Don't rub it in. We know we are right, they are coming to the same conclusion too. There is no value in driving that wedge in deeper.
- Remember at the end of the day, its about the children. They are the future and their wellbeing is what matters most.
- Teach the values that function to all around you. Hard work vs victim mentality, rights being not equal to privileges, and logic & reason being more important than feefees and correlations.
- Remember the scientific method, and apply that method to any data you see.
- Remember, everything is about perspective. To us, the titanic was a tragedy, but to the lobsters kept in the hold, it was a miracle. The same applies here - to the left, their paradigm falling apart is a living hell and the end of days, but to us it is the way forward.
- Remember what Q said - do not focus on the divisions on any lines (racial/gender/politics/class). We are all here striving to maintain our world.
- Do not strive for perfection in the above, for no man can be perfect. Instead, be simply better than you were the day before.
- Do not trust blindly in anyone. Question everything, including the value of the questions you are asking.
If you can do the above, like i will, the next phase of this unconventional war will be more viable and less painful than the current one is.
NCSWIC frens, and part of the great awakening is about helping everyone realise this.
I will be there for my family and friends to get them through the collapse of their world, but as for the wankpuffins that implimented and planned this covidic clusterfuck, pass me that millstone.
What may i ask made you think this post was align to helping those who planned this? Such individuals do the brainwashing, and are not themselves brainwashed...