My boomer parents got my brother, who is not a conspiracy dude, pretty logical and intelligent, to pay attention to Q around then. He explained the Tippy top to me, and the weird Alice in Wonderland rabbit next to Trump at Easter, and how he emphasized the words Tippy Top. It piqued my interest. My brother, who is a huge Star Wars fan, explained it as a battle between Good and Evil. The Force of Light vs the Force of Darkness.
After I read the tip top post and I watched the video, I was hooked.
An anon asked Q to give us a covert sign that they actually had a connection to the Trump administration. Something like saying "tippy top," a phrase that is common enough not to sound out of place, but rare enough to send a signal to anons. Trump used it in a speech the next day and Q confirmed it to the board later.
I had been in a coma. Literally, and was home recovering on fakebook when a friend forwarded something and it had the words “tippy top” hit me like a bolt of lightning. Been following ever since and that’s how I found Q. The rabbit thing happened the next weekend.
Tippy top
My boomer parents got my brother, who is not a conspiracy dude, pretty logical and intelligent, to pay attention to Q around then. He explained the Tippy top to me, and the weird Alice in Wonderland rabbit next to Trump at Easter, and how he emphasized the words Tippy Top. It piqued my interest. My brother, who is a huge Star Wars fan, explained it as a battle between Good and Evil. The Force of Light vs the Force of Darkness.
After I read the tip top post and I watched the video, I was hooked.
Tippy top?
An anon asked Q to give us a covert sign that they actually had a connection to the Trump administration. Something like saying "tippy top," a phrase that is common enough not to sound out of place, but rare enough to send a signal to anons. Trump used it in a speech the next day and Q confirmed it to the board later.
Here you go!
I had been in a coma. Literally, and was home recovering on fakebook when a friend forwarded something and it had the words “tippy top” hit me like a bolt of lightning. Been following ever since and that’s how I found Q. The rabbit thing happened the next weekend.
Wow. Looks like you knew what was up
me too. tippy top was clearly a comm.