I hope some Patriots can photobomb Biden with posters that say "Audit PA Vote", "Guard PA vote. AUDIT" "TRUMP WON" "BIDEN STOLE PA" cover every angle so their seen by MSM cameras.
He'd better not be standing on the audit train tracks,, cause that baby has nor brakes , the route is being straightened to eliminate curves, and the firemen are stoking the engine.
I hope some Patriots can photobomb Biden with posters that say "Audit PA Vote", "Guard PA vote. AUDIT" "TRUMP WON" "BIDEN STOLE PA" cover every angle so their seen by MSM cameras.
Whoa. That would be totally dope. That would def red-pill any normies watching that!
Only problem is, they'll have him out in some remote farmer's field giving a speech to the cows. He won't be anywhere near Philly proper, lol.
He'd better not be standing on the audit train tracks,, cause that baby has nor brakes , the route is being straightened to eliminate curves, and the firemen are stoking the engine.
nothing can stop the train.
We all know that Biden isn’t running the show. He doesn’t even know how to wipe his own ass.