and in particular he replied you’d have an issue covering up the lie- several thousands of people involved in the development of the vaccines, with millions of dollars eyes on them, wouldn’t they raise a red flag?
Right! And if someone was planning on stealing a Presidential election (for example), they'd never be able to get away with it! Think of the thousands of people who would have to be in on it, all the people who'd have to be bought off. Too many chances for the truth to leak out so they wouldn't even attempt it , right?
Wrong! I respect your thinking though because it was a good analogy, HOWEVER, there WERE countless people who raised red flags for the election, whereas the only people griping about vaccines are outsiders. Find the insider if this your quest. That’s all I’m saying otherwise it makes us look stupid. And I know the deep state would 100% impregnate only our side with these crazy ideas for the purposes of making us look bad. I don’t think all the ideas are crazy, but the one in particular is the death count. If you vax 500 Million people and a couple of thousand die that’s not a number that should be separated. Those data points need to be put together to shed light on ALL the facts. The more I come on here the more I feel like I’m losing the argument w vax, and jeez I hope I’m right, b/c if there’s a conspiracy to kill us all this is highly inefficient.
Right! And if someone was planning on stealing a Presidential election (for example), they'd never be able to get away with it! Think of the thousands of people who would have to be in on it, all the people who'd have to be bought off. Too many chances for the truth to leak out so they wouldn't even attempt it , right?
Wrong! I respect your thinking though because it was a good analogy, HOWEVER, there WERE countless people who raised red flags for the election, whereas the only people griping about vaccines are outsiders. Find the insider if this your quest. That’s all I’m saying otherwise it makes us look stupid. And I know the deep state would 100% impregnate only our side with these crazy ideas for the purposes of making us look bad. I don’t think all the ideas are crazy, but the one in particular is the death count. If you vax 500 Million people and a couple of thousand die that’s not a number that should be separated. Those data points need to be put together to shed light on ALL the facts. The more I come on here the more I feel like I’m losing the argument w vax, and jeez I hope I’m right, b/c if there’s a conspiracy to kill us all this is highly inefficient.