Amen, Patriot. Let's DO this - too much damage is being done in the interim! It's hard to imagine how valuable some intel, set-up or logistics could outwegh the hellacious damage tgat ocvurs moment by moment. They would have to be taking down EXTREMELY high-value targets and/or ensuring that no one will escape. So, knowing that is The Plan, we will see and hooefully very, very soon.
Any time now would be just fine
Amen, Patriot. Let's DO this - too much damage is being done in the interim! It's hard to imagine how valuable some intel, set-up or logistics could outwegh the hellacious damage tgat ocvurs moment by moment. They would have to be taking down EXTREMELY high-value targets and/or ensuring that no one will escape. So, knowing that is The Plan, we will see and hooefully very, very soon.