I’m on mobile so I’ll try to link the study later today.
This is now my go-to when people ask why I’m still not vaccinated. Protecting my fertility and avoiding complications from an EUA vaccine wasn’t enough.
I know say that I may be helping to keep deadlier variants from being created, which may keep more people alive, particularly my vaccinated friends & family who are dying at 60% greater rate in the UK when dealing with this new strain.
It usually causes the wheels to spin for a while because their moral superiority gets taken away.
But it needs to be discussed. I’m disappointed Rand Paul hasn’t brought this up yet at any hearings.
I’m on mobile so I’ll try to link the study later today.
This is now my go-to when people ask why I’m still not vaccinated. Protecting my fertility and avoiding complications from an EUA vaccine wasn’t enough. I know say that I may be helping to keep deadlier variants from being created, which may keep more people alive, particularly my vaccinated friends & family who are dying at 60% greater rate in the UK when dealing with this new strain.
It usually causes the wheels to spin for a while because their moral superiority gets taken away.
But it needs to be discussed. I’m disappointed Rand Paul hasn’t brought this up yet at any hearings.