Ensuring the safety & well-being of the population,
Shifting the narrative,
Removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success,
Defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes,
Freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities,
Kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org
Q 725 https://qagg.news/siteimages/postimage725.jpg
There's also, as we all know, the problem not only of "normies" waking up (which they are), but liberals getting a small taste of what they asked for so they don't spend the rest of their lives fighting against the Republic like they HAVE been doing. We don't need an army of brainwashed liberals carrying on the Deep State/Cabal's efforts going forward.
Yes, the word I have been hearing from liberals is "disappointed", which I consider a first step to waking up. I thought more of them would wake up when they saw Bernie get screwed over AGAIN, but the infobubble they keep their brains in is remarkably resilient.
This movie is great and all but MUH NUTFLIX BRO. Bernie will get em in 2024!
The info-bubble is key, once they break out and seek other forms of info, digest and discern, it’s really impossible not to get red pilled. This is why the left are info hogs and gatekeepers. It really is the only form of control they have.
Hi, I hear a lot on this site about Bernie being screwed, but yet not one goes on to say thank God we didn’t give an avowed commie(ok socialist) a chance at the presidency. Fuck Bernie and all he stands for!
Yah, I mean - I'm glad he got screwed over but I always knew he would be. I was 0% worried. Even spoke with some Bernie bros and asked weren't they aware that it was going to happen AGAIN? And they were all in total denial that it could POSSIBLY happen again. So blind. Incredible.
Thank you for your response, however, that was not my point. My point is that fucking idiots were willing to vote in a god damn communist! Again FUCK BERNIE AND ALL HE STANDS FOR!
Yeah....it's pretty horrible. I blame universities for a lot of that. But I also blame the Cabal. The universities for impoverishing sucker kids and teaching them that communism is good, and the Cabal for making sure these shiny new debt slaves become so desperate to get out of the hole that they're willing to trust the govt to be their savior.