Folks, we're all highly suspicious and skeptical of the "vaccines" for the Corona Virus. But I've seen very little discussion on what the specific endgame is if they were indeed developed for nefarious reasons as we all suspect. I'm hoping this will spur some specific discussion and critical thinking. The following is a mix of both fact and informed speculation. Apologies in advance for the length of this post, but I believe it's critically important that we start having thoughtful, intellectual conversations about the goal of this "vaccine".
What we know:
-We know that these "vaccines" were developed in an incredibly short period of time that does not allow for proper testing. Typically new drugs and vaccines take several years to hit the market. This fact alone should give all sane, critical-thinkers pause about getting this vaccine given the extremely low mortality rate for COVID 19.
-We know that the corona virus "vaccines" are classified as "experimental" by the FDA. If you are killed or permanently crippled by the injection, you have no legal recourse.
-We know that if you have no co-morbidities, you have nearly as good a chance to win the lottery than dying of COVID 19. The CDC admits that only 40k people have died from the virus with no co-morbidities. Of course, that number is likely far lower, but even with the likely inflation of that number, it's still tiny.
-We know that the younger you are, the less susceptible you are to the virus. Children are at nearly zero risk.
-However, numerous state agencies and politicians are urging young people to get vaccinated.
-The World Health Organization is now advising against giving the COVID "vaccine" to young children (for now). However, this has been largely ignored by the American propaganda machine.
-There are increasingly numerous reports of young children, especially boys having adverse cardiac reactions to the "vaccine", including death.
-We know that there's a substantial death rate from the "vaccines" based on the CDC's own VAERS data. The CDC has admitted to 6k deaths. However, there are several individuals who are pulling the VAERS data and analyzing it. They are seeing between 8-9k deaths along with exponentially larger numbers of people experiencing health issues post-vaccination.
-We have seen an unprecedented push by politicians, the agitprop media, Hollywood and professional sports to urge people to become vaccinated. Free money, beer and food for getting vaccinated. Rappers selling out and rapping about getting the jab. As diagnoses and deaths from Corona Virus drop, the push has only increased with the Resident in chief now preparing to send federal agents door to door to urge people to get vaccinated.
And there are almost certainly significant elements to the equation that I have not mentioned here.
I think it's safe to say that we all believe something nefarious is at work here. The question is one of motivation.
I have heard many people argue that this is simply a means of enriching Big Pharma. While this is a rational argument, I do not agree with it. None of these companies are short on money and I am skeptical that "the rich want to get richer" is an acceptable rationale for the world wide coordination we've seen. While I have little doubt that this is a secondary benefit, it is not the primary reason.
I have spent many hours researching and contemplating the motivations for the coordinated insanity & tyranny of the last 18 months. I have reached two possible conclusions as to the motivation:
- Increased governmental control over the populace. I can see two potential reasons/sub-theories here:
A. This is simply a very general, broad response to the Great Awakening in order to rapidly broaden the powers of the federal government over the people in a desperate bid to implement despotic rule quickly before it's too late.
B. There are control mechanisms that the Cabal needs to control in order to fend off the White Hats (for lack of a better term) that are attempting to bring them down. These mechanisms may be very subtle and not easily determined by us.
- Mass global depopulation. This is the one that scares me and it's where my mind continually goes as to the primary reason for this coordinated campaign. We have no shortage of evidence and on the record statements by the powerful that depopulation is one of their stated goals.
The question then becomes "How?". How can this "vaccine" allow for mass depopulation? While the vaccine can be initially deadly and I suspect death rates are FAR higher from it than the CDC is letting on, it's not high enough to significantly reduce the global population. I can only think of two primary mechanisms:
A. Infertility. This one is very fuzzy right now. There are doctors suggesting that infertility could be a side effect of these "vaccines", but we have very little real data right now showing that's the case. Sadly, we likely won't have substantial data to support/dismiss this theory for years as the "vaccinated" portion of the population gets older.
B. A backdoor mechanism such as ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement This is the one that scares the hell out of me because we DO have data to support this theory from animal testing. We also had a report this past week that 4k "vaccinated" people have died from the virus which could be evidence of ADE occurring.
However, we must be careful because it's equally possible that this report is nothing more than a scare tactic being used to get people to continue to get "booster shots" of the "vaccine".
ADE is a real phenomenon that was observed during feline testing of mRNA "vaccines" for other COVID variants that affected the feline population in Asia. I am very, very concerned that this vaccine could be a back door to essentially give the cabal a kill switch for a large portion of the populace.
But again, these are only my thoughts. I believe that it is CRITICAL that people like us engage in deep discussion about the potential reasons for this vaccination push. We must not make assumptions as they prevent us from properly interpreting new data.
Apologies for such a long post. Thank you to those of you who made it this far.
Have they told us numerous times that they intend to depopulate the planet through vaccination? Yes. I think there can be no doubt they had that goal.
Do I think this vaccine is that? Absolutely not. If it were, we would already know.
This is a training exercise. This is to teach us to volunteer to give up our inalienable rights for their security against the invisible enemy. Then, in the future, they can make it a regular thing. All vaccines, all the time. A vaccine party every week.
These are people that think in terms of centuries, and millennia. They are not worried about killing us all off now. They will do it at the appropriate time, when they have much more control over the information. If they were going to do it, no one would know. We would already be too far gone.
World wide depopulation happens after all resistance is dead, not before. Is all resistance dead? Not by a long shot. There has never been more resistance in the history of the world. We are so close to victory I can smell it.
I think it is happening in the way it is, with all the knowledge we have on it, and over 50% of the population believing its a control mechanism by evil people because we are supposed to know (AKA white hats are in control).
Would like to see that interview, because I've watched few of them and not seen that statement only a cringe romanian site mentioning it.
Ok, thanks. But reading the transcript the above statement is not true, he said that people that will get the booster shot will be dead, it's not the same as regular shot. If I remember correctly it was the known plan for the depopulation that first rollouts of the vaccines will be used to desensitize the public and then some booster shot will be deadly, I guess he believes that plan might be real.
edit: I've watched his statement and he was talking about additional shots for the covid variants that are made now in labs as far as he knows and he's afraid that they might be used as a depopulation device so purely speculating about the future vaccines.