Stop the unconstitutional property taxes and everyone has much more money at their disposal Article 1, Section 9, paragraph tax, along with income tax.
People can home school their own children for a fraction of what the "education" system is wasting and stealing.
No kidding. Almost all of my property taxes goes to public schools I don't use. It would be MORE than enough for the best homeschooling supplies. We could have our own microscope, telescope, and other such tools in just a year of the money sent to them
Stop the unconstitutional property taxes and everyone has much more money at their disposal Article 1, Section 9, paragraph tax, along with income tax.
People can home school their own children for a fraction of what the "education" system is wasting and stealing.
You aren't wrong!
No kidding. Almost all of my property taxes goes to public schools I don't use. It would be MORE than enough for the best homeschooling supplies. We could have our own microscope, telescope, and other such tools in just a year of the money sent to them