It seems you have a very important impetus to make a change to your children's schooling. I also detect that you believe you are powerless over these and other matters in your life. If you can't do anything, you may as well stop feeling bad about it. If you can, you ought to. The patriots aren't going to come save anyone, but they are available to work with to achieve great things.
We all have to be self-sufficient enough to make a change. At least self-sufficient enough to find others to work with. Nobody can buy our way out of our problems for us--that's socialism/communism. But we can find other patriots with similar needs who we can work together with.
You have made several statements to the effect that it would be nice if you were able to choose a teacher, or that you wish you had money to attend private school.
We don't have the time or the money to do those things. We go without all the time and have no familial support whatsoever
My husband watches the young children and tends the animals while I cook and clean. We literally don't have time for anything else
couldn't pull it off if I even tried. We're a hair away from regular food stamp qualification
I'm happy when others can make it work but there is just no way short of a miracle from God that would get my children an education outside of the lefty public one
There's more. I don't understand the game you're playing.
It seems you have a very important impetus to make a change to your children's schooling. I also detect that you believe you are powerless over these and other matters in your life. If you can't do anything, you may as well stop feeling bad about it. If you can, you ought to. The patriots aren't going to come save anyone, but they are available to work with to achieve great things.
What made you assume that?
While it is true, there is not much choice for us.
Brilliant. Thanks for your help, patriot!
We all have to be self-sufficient enough to make a change. At least self-sufficient enough to find others to work with. Nobody can buy our way out of our problems for us--that's socialism/communism. But we can find other patriots with similar needs who we can work together with.
You have made several statements to the effect that it would be nice if you were able to choose a teacher, or that you wish you had money to attend private school.
Go ahead and show me where I said either of those things.
There's more. I don't understand the game you're playing.