Fox News Media, the company that owns the reactionary, climate crisis-skeptical Fox News, is launching a weather channel this year – a development that has climate crisis experts worried. “If Fox chooses to use its access and credibility to inform viewers about the realities of climate change and its impacts on the weather, it could be a game changer. Conversely, if it opts to perpetuate misinformation to advance political goals, it will be a huge disservice to all Americans – conservative, liberal and moderate,” Maibach said.
Last year, Tucker Carlson rubbished the idea that forest fires on the west coast were a result of climate crisis – serious climate scientists, however, agree that the fires are very much linked to the breakdown – and suggested environmental hazards were a liberal conspiracy.
Carlson’s colleague Laura Ingraham has insisted, contrary to experts’ findings, that the planet is in a “natural” cycle of warming, and suggested that environmental activists like Greta Thunberg had been “brainwashed”, while Sean Hannity said the left’s “obsession” with the climate was a “political tool”.
“The danger of [Fox News Media] running a weather channel is that if they pervert news about the weather anything like how they’ve perverted news about climate change and energy politics, millions of
The global warming hoax was renamed "climate change" when the Earth's climate stopped warming. Climategate (2009) was a FOIA release of the emails of scientists proving that they colluded to falsify their data to make it match/support the climate change narratives of the politicians that funded their research grants.
Science has been corrupted by government funding for research, and scientists can be bought even more easily and less expensively than the politicians themselves.
The global warming hoax was the first attempt by the DS to stampede the sheeple into voluntarily handing them complete control over their lives... the green new deal is an example of that. Socialist political agendas camouflaged under a veneer of pseudo-science.
It did not work here in the US in spite of all of the efforts of the DS. It was more successful in the EU and other parts of the world though. President Trump's energy independence and energy dominance for the US was his counter-attack against the Paris climate accords of the DS.
If Fox creates a weather channel that does not follow the MSM climate change propaganda, that would be a very big deal... yet another big dose of red pills for the sheeple.