Fox News Media, the company that owns the reactionary, climate crisis-skeptical Fox News, is launching a weather channel this year – a development that has climate crisis experts worried. “If Fox chooses to use its access and credibility to inform viewers about the realities of climate change and its impacts on the weather, it could be a game changer. Conversely, if it opts to perpetuate misinformation to advance political goals, it will be a huge disservice to all Americans – conservative, liberal and moderate,” Maibach said.
Last year, Tucker Carlson rubbished the idea that forest fires on the west coast were a result of climate crisis – serious climate scientists, however, agree that the fires are very much linked to the breakdown – and suggested environmental hazards were a liberal conspiracy.
Carlson’s colleague Laura Ingraham has insisted, contrary to experts’ findings, that the planet is in a “natural” cycle of warming, and suggested that environmental activists like Greta Thunberg had been “brainwashed”, while Sean Hannity said the left’s “obsession” with the climate was a “political tool”.
“The danger of [Fox News Media] running a weather channel is that if they pervert news about the weather anything like how they’ve perverted news about climate change and energy politics, millions of
Again, what I said is still accurate. Fox News routinely publishes articles supporting a pro global warming narrative.
You're a clown.
You didn't read the article and you don't watch FOX but come to the conclusion that FOX IS NOT SKEPTICAL about Global Warming, because you saw muh articles that support the narrative.
This is what happens when you ignore information. You make false conclusions.
I read the website form time to time, so I am aware of their pro global warming narrative. You come across as very unhinged, perhaps you should watch less Fox News television.
they run both narratives, jackwagon
I don't watch FOX, not even Carlson. Any more assumptions to support your faulty logic?